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The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule, sound familiar? It gets thrown around in the business and tech world, and the grocery store too if that's the kind of red meat you're buying! But what is the 80/20 rule, and how does it apply in the world of fitness and healthy lifestyles? Let's take a look...

Background: The 80/20 rule (aka the Pareto Principle) was named after the 19th century Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the people, and that 20% of the peapods in his garden contained 80% of the peas...

Ok, Italy and peapods, relevant to getting in shape how..? You'd be surprised.

The 80/20 rule, when applied to health and fitness, states that 20% of the things you do will give you 80% OF THE RESULTS.

Now this does not mean only give 20% effort in the gym (or anywhere for that matter). The more you put into something, the more you will get out. Always. So let me clarify what the 20% actually is.

Imagine a triangle. This triangle represents the trinity of fitness, or the 20%. All three pieces play an EQUAL role in the balance of a successfully fit lifestyle. And those three pieces are:



and Rest.

Exercise: If it has been months or years since you've been to the gym, no need to worry about EXACTLY how many crunches you need to do or whether you should do 20 minutes of cardio or 30. The 20% principle of exercise is picking a number, sticking to it, and trying to improve from there.

Nutrition: A pitfall for many simply because there are so many options, just like with exercise. Should I eat foods that are low fat? Gluten free? Grown on farms in exotic islands by the natives themselves? The simple 20% answer to this vital part of our health is to eat less processed, whole foods. All around, whole foods have the most nutrients, least chemicals, and least preservatives that can impact our health. Whole foods are going to give you more energy, keep you fuller longer, and support a healthy physique/figure.

Rest: Easily the MOST overlooked part of a fit lifestyle, yet it is JUST as important as exercise and nutrition. Adequate rest plays an essential role in growth, healing, the production of hormones, and not feeling like sh*t the next morning! Having enough rest will give you more energy, clearer thinking, and better decision making too. So the 20% answer to rest? 8 hours of sleep. Minimum. Every night, not just on the weekends. It is true that some people may need less sleep and others more (children, young adults), but 8 hours seems to be the magic number that works for most.

There is a caveat to these things though. And it is that you must be CONSISTENT. As long as you can do these things on a regular basis, you will see those 80% results!

So there you have it. Now you may telling yourself "What? 80%? I want 100%!" And that's great! But, conversely to the 20% that brought you 80% of the results, it's going to take 80% to bring you the last 20%. There's some law of diminishing returns for ya. That last 20% is definitely possible, but it will take a lot more work to attain it. Too much for some, but a challenge accepted for others.

The 80/20 rule is more or less a guideline for people new to fitness or beginners to exercise. These are principles that can easily be implemented, and provide the most value for the cost. The best way to think of it is with the acronym K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Sexy!

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